Schilke E3L- Andrew Ginac, San Antonio, Texas

Project: Schilke E3L
Refit Bach 239 C Trumpet Bell, build tunable bell sleeve.
Balance and redesign for broader sound, tuning and improved playability.

Reshape the Bell Bow to improve response and slotting.  Found this conversion helped with broadening the sound of a D Trumpet to more of a C Trumpet Feel.

After many measurements and setting alterations, I dialed in the sweet spot, and reshaped the bell bow.  Added weight of the clamping receiver ferrule improved feel and placement of partials as well.

Cleaned up and final settings, alignment and testing.  I find this part to be the best part of the work I perform on each job.  The receiver was custom designed on a previous visit and seems to connect this new modification.  This modification results in an extraordinary playing trumpet.  I chose to leave the D Bell settings as is for now.  This gives the player a great amount of options now with D, Eb, and C Bell options. 

Andrew Ginac
San Antonio, Texas


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