Getzen D-Eb Trumpet Amazing

Getzen D-Eb Trumpet
Custom Settings-Incredible Results
 Interesting Design-Player needs to fit their Approach
Dismount Receiver, Analyze condition of lead pipe, repair pipe shape
Calculate players current setting and desired finished product
 Custom design receiver
Length, weight and Gap setting
Make all the difference in the response and playablity
Precision Mouthpiece setting
 Play test no soldering yet
 Sweet spot found-Solder it in


  1. I picked up the Getzen a couple of weeks ago and have been checking out it’s response. I spent the first week playing the D side, I mostly use the D side of this instrument. I am very happy with the intonation and am looking forward to adding repertoire with this horn. The Eb side I never perform on, before the mods the tuning was too rough to play it comfortably anywhere. This last week I have been playing the Eb with SmartMusic, testing it’s response in different registers and styles, lyrical etc. It would be an understatement to say I am merely happy with this work. The overall tone is much sweeter than before, I like how the horn responds, before I felt like I was wrestling it around the pitches. Mike did an awesome job. Thanks Mike
    Kimberly Z.

  2. Vpistluprudha-1980 Kiya Scally click


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